Why Can't I order directly from the website if I live in Canada?

The short answer is Import Duties and Shipping Costs!

Unfortunately Canada charges hefty import duties based on the value of the product being shipped.  Depending on your province in Canada, import tariffs can be as high as $15-$20 or more per shipment.  Additionally, the processing fee by UPS or other carriers for the paperwork for the customers duties can add another $15 to $20.  These fees are not calculated upfront.  Instead, you get the bill from the carrier at delivery.  And when most customers see this bill ($25 to $35 or more), they tell the carrier "Keep the damn package, I don't want it now!!!

Further, shipping costs to Canada are more costly than US domestic shipping.  We need to properly calculate these costs first.

I am willing to pay the import tariffs and processing fee.  Can I still order?

Yes, you can still order, however, not via our website.  You can still order with the following steps:

1. Send us an email to or (use our Contact Us Link) with the Subject Line of: Canadian Order for (Your name)

2. Provide your complete name, shipping address, email and phone number

3. State what product(s) you want to order.

4. State clearly in your email, I agree to accept any import duties and carrier processing fees charged to me by the carrier at delivery and I will not decline the shipment.  I will be fully responsible for these charges.

We will draft up a payable invoice and send it to you via email immediately.  Once you make payment, we will ship out your product.

How Can I become a Warehouse Distributor for WindshieldWow?

Please contact us if you want to be a distributor in Canada.  We would very much like to talk to you!